

Girls and Dogs

Here are some photos I took yesterday. Just starting reading this great photography magazine. It's called Popular Photography. Very very helpful and amazing!! There are some beautiful photos in this magazine.
Violet Dog eating
LOVE the tongue!

Oh my god, we're in so much trouble.

Super weirdo

She tricked me.... I thought we were taking a nice pic. ;)


Getting better

Apparently photography is not like riding a bike. I remember the f-stops and shutter speeds and all of that, but not how to use them properly. I'm relearning everything. Here are some photos that I took last night. These are only a small sample of what I took. I'm trigger happy, so to speak with my new camera. :)


First steps

Here's a look at some of my first photos with my new camera, the bad-ass Canon EOS Rebel.

My husband Dave:Our daughters, Angel and Alexis:Violet-dog:
My brother James:

These are just the preliminary photos. I am working on figuring out the best aperatures, lighting, and so on for different situations.

More to come.